Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meet Rosco

Rosco is 12 years old and is in the seventh grade. He's pretty much the coolest kid we've ever known...besides Davoncio, and Deshaun...and well, Vladimir too...and a lot of other really cool people like Sponge Bob Square Pants and Tim Tebow. Anyways, a local reporter interviewed him recently, and we were able to get a copy of it on craigslist for $13. Read below to learn more...

So tell me about your family and where you grew up and what your house was like...

"I mean, I really can't explain my house but my family is, my dad doesn't live with us but I should be going down there today...or some weekend, I don't know.  My mom keeps on saying she's gonna take me but she never does, so I really don't listen to what she says."

Why doesn't your dad live with y'all?

"I don't know...I think he just left."

Yeah? When did he leave? 

"I was 5."

Ok, so tell me about your house, tell me about how you grew up...

"I grew up with like, for these last two years I been growing up with my momma.  My dad wants me to come live with him but my mom said since I have my dad's last name I have to live with her."

Tell me about when you were a really little kid...tell me what it was like...

"Like 3 years old?"

Yeah, tell me what it was like...

"That's when my daddy and my mom was was was calm, was real fun, I could get anything I want. Like, it'd be Saturday morning and I could ask my uncle if he'd drive me to the skating rink and he'd get up and do it.  I'll get my dad back..."

So when did everything change?

"Oh yeah, so, I play little league football and we was going to Florida to play a championship game and then when I came back, he was gone.  I asked my mom where he was, and she said he had made his decision...and I was like, ok."

What was that like?

"Sad....I hadn't seen him in like 4 years, and then I was in middle school and he showed up at one of my football games talkin' about, 'this is your new step sister and step mom.' And it made me mad."

So tell me about your mom and your brothers and what you're house is like...

"My mom has 7 kids...and we get along most the time. And my room has a great theme...the theme is M&M's, and each year I have a different candy for my room."

So tell me about when you started coming to Team ASAP, and your Jesus necklace, and what you think about everything Matt's been teaching you...

"Um, everything Coach Matt has been teaching me is really happening. I know he teaches us good things, because um every time he talks to us he tells us good things."

And where'd you get the necklace?

"It was like some kind of store...some kind of department store, I don't know what it was..."

So tell me about when you decided that you loved Jesus.

"When Coach Matt introduced me to Him."

Why do you love Him?

"I love Jesus because I know He is the Messiah and the Savior, or whatever, and um...I love Jesus because I know He loves us and He saved us and died on the cross for our sins."

When did that make sense to you?  When did all that start making sense?

"When Coach Matt explained it."

Yeah, how did he explain it? 
What started making a difference? 

"He sat us down and started talking to us about it like nobody else did."

What about it was so different? Can you tell me more?

"He cares."


"The other people that taught me, they don't care."

Earlier you said that he was servant-hearted, what does that mean?

"Servant-hearted means like serving people before yourself."

That's good. Alright, well Roscoe, what's your favorite chapter in the Bible?

"Um, Proverbs."

Tell me why, tell me about why Proverbs is your favorite...

"It's a very interesting chapter, most of the action takes place there."

What kind of action?

"Like, Jesus talks to us a lot."

Yeah? What kind of talking? Tell me about it...

"Like, uh, he tells us that fools hate knowledge and we should eat the fruit of the knowledge or something like that. It gives a lot of lessons and tells us good things."

That's a good answer, that's cool.  So, what's your favorite thing about Jesus?

"Like, things that he did, or things about him?"


"Well, I like it when he made um that dude walk on water or something like that from Bethlehem."

Why is that cool?

"Cause no one's ever walked on water before, that's why."

It's pretty cool when you can do the impossible, huh? So, what's your favorite personality trait about Jesus?

"He's very calm...and collective, whatever that word is. Calm and collected, that's it."

That's great, why do you like that?

"Because, throughout the Bible, he never does anything destructive. If somebody tries to kill Him, He doesn't kill them, or whatever."

Ok, and if you could ask God or Jesus one question...what would it be and why?

"When is the world gonna end because like, Coach Matt said we gonna run for the mountains...we gonna run for the mountains in El Paso, like really. We're gonna get a van, we're gonna rent it, and we're gonna be speeding. And everybody is gonna be in a rush in all the nations, and we gonna go and um, we're gonna stay on top of the mountains so we can be safe there from the Beast."

Cool. I like it. Well is there anything else you want to share with us?

"Nope, that's it."


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