Thursday, October 25, 2012

Meet Rayv'ion

After a short interview with Rayv'ion, the coaches learned all kinds of things. Read below to see just what all he had to say...

First, how old are you?

"I'm 9, well I'm really 8 but my momma call me 9, so I call myself 9

And how smart are you on a scale of 1 to 10? 10 being the most smart...

"Um, kinda between 8 and 7."

Ok, well tell me what you like about school? 


Oh, so you don't like P.E. or recess? 

"Nope, I like comin' home from school and doing Team ASAP."

Ok, well do they feed you at school?

"Yeah, they give us something different each day."

Do you like the food at least?


What's it taste like?

"It tastes like, dry...and last time they made us eat something and I threw my plate on the ground and I got in trouble...that's why I got detention."

Well, you know some people are starving in the world, and they don't get anything to eat all day long?


So tell me something else Rayv' there something cool I should know about you?

"That I like math, I like football, and I like running."

And who's your favorite super hero? 

"Batman 'cause he can fly."

What about your favorite movie? 

"I like clowns and Sponge Bob Square Pants because he funny."

And do you have any brothers or sisters? 

"Nope it is just me."

Well, what do you like about Team ASAP? 

"That it's fun."

Tell me a little more...what's your favorite thing about it? 

"I like when we play dodgeball, except when I be getting out all the time."

What's the best thing that's happened at Team ASAP in the past week?

"When Coach Justin had stood up for me when I was being bullied.  It made me feel like someone cared."

That's great. And what do you think about Jesus?

"That he a good person."

What else?

"That he a good citizen...and this is the thang that's kinda cool about it, how can you be a person that die and then still be God again? It's like, he died first, or something. And people were messin' with him and he still didn't get angry and he was just forgiving people. That's what be makin me mad is talkin 'bout how he died."

More to come soon...


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