Ryan has been one of my very best friends since college. We've experienced the ups and downs of life together, and now he's joined me in helping at Team ASAP. He's made it down two Friday's in a row and intends to make it a weekly thing. Read below to hear some of our conversation we had after the Team ASAP crew left...
Alright, so you said after the kids left the gym, "Dang, it just seems like a lost cause." Elaborate on that...
"Well it's just out of my realm of possibilities to deal with...kids of that age from this environment, and that they can be this hardened and neglected...to be so tough but to be such a baby...crazy emotional swings with no boundaries. It's like they're all raising themselves, kids raising kids, and it's just hard to believe that this is all happening just a few blocks from where we live. It baffles my mind."
What did you think when you left the gym last week?
"The first time it really didn't hit me...this time, it hit me."
What was it like showing up today, and the kids running up to you, giving you a hug and remembering you?
"Well it's just out of my realm of possibilities to deal with...kids of that age from this environment, and that they can be this hardened and neglected...to be so tough but to be such a baby...crazy emotional swings with no boundaries. It's like they're all raising themselves, kids raising kids, and it's just hard to believe that this is all happening just a few blocks from where we live. It baffles my mind."
What did you think when you left the gym last week?
"The first time it really didn't hit me...this time, it hit me."
What was it like showing up today, and the kids running up to you, giving you a hug and remembering you?
"It was awesome when they came up and recognized me, and I'm still coming out of my shell around them. It's just crazy how much attention these kids need. Last week, I was here for about an hour and I was just thinking how I wanted to leave, and I just wanted to quit...so I can't imagine what you go through on a weekly basis being here by yourself with 25 kids, and you just really need help."
How do you think you can relate to them growing up without a dad?
"Honestly, I think their problems are beyond not having a father. When I look at them, it's like they don't have anybody. It's like their parents don't have any hope for them either. It's a cycle. Hope hasn't been instilled in them, or something better than living in the ghetto, and they need to hear it. Hopefully I can instill some of that hope and change some of their perspectives on themselves and on life."
Do you see any hope in a program like this with kids like this, or do you think it's a lost cause and that I'm just wasting my time?
"I really don't think you're wasting your time, because I look at the alternative. What would these kids be doing if you weren't there? You're giving them a chance. If you have 500 kids, not all of them are gonna be doctors and lawyers...so some of them are gonna be drug addicts, and degenerates...but you're giving them a chance. Especially with the older kids that can comprehend, I see a huge kind heart and willingness to listen...it's just the young ones that are the toughest but hopefully over time with what your teaching with education and faith you can lay a good foundation."
What made you want to come the first time?
"It was just really a personal decision, I was going through some hard things in my life. When you look at yourself in the mirror and you realize sometimes how short life is and how meaningless most of our daily activities are...I just realized I wanted to find something to do that would help me realize what's important in life, and maybe help someone else along the way. All I can do is try to make the small world that surrounds me a better place and hopefully change a life or two along the way."
Which one kid stuck on your heart the most?
Which one kid stuck on your heart the most?
"Probably Envr. He was kind of seeking me out, and I spent the most time with him. So hopefully we'll be able to build our relationship a little more, and he will allow me to speak into his life and help him in ways that I can. I hope to be back next week."